Wednesday 15 February 2017

THE BEGINNING.....!!!!!!!!!πŸ‘―

"Good morning..This is from *** business school.This call is to inform you about the admission for MBA degree in our college..."The husky voice continued in a hustle. Before further elaboration, the other end of the line gave away, " Hmmm...Meet you tomorrow ,sir. Thank you."
The line went dead.πŸ’€

She stared at the blank wall in front of her and counted,'10'..This was the 10th call she received from various management schools since morning.πŸ‘†
Her life story was not of the impressive kind.It was not a laudable story worth writing about, nor was it painfully bad. It was something that dissolved with time, forgotten quickly and dusted."Dusted" because she never got a chance to talk about it. Each time she earns the verve to slip it out, she is hit by  pieces of advice, and suggestions from people around. And she was tired..She wanted time to think...Time to reach a decision pleasing her mind, soothing her heart. But then,who cared for her time?πŸ‘€
Time moves just like that πŸ˜‘and one is busy scheduling one's life to the intricacies of it. And the world drops down for anyone who is behind the schedule.😐
She exhaled.She thought of her teens.How she grew up dreaming to be someone great! She was not sure of the details, but was transfixed to the wonders life may grant her. She didn't miss any opportunities. But after 20 years of life, she atleast had an idea of the track she moved..Indecisions.πŸ˜“..Abstractness.✋..Wasn't she a molded mass of anxiety, excitement? By then, she knew the answer. She was a confused mixture of lessons learned and those to preach. And thats the thing about people who believe everything others say. They think everyone is goddamn pure.πŸ’™
And now,  she was in a state not to care. She has learned enough. The games of others have ended. She took a piece of paper and wrote, 'THE BEGINNING!' and stuck to the wall in front of her. One last look at it and there laid her mobile with sim card removed..She was on a race of her own..!!✌



  1. Hey. Slept early yesterdayπŸ˜…
    So the article. Superb use of language... Kudos to that. No metaphors this time😁?

    About the content... This is what most people go through, right... When you are a kid, people are like you can be anything and everything and when you grow a little you can still be anything but others make you believe that the world has grown small. The more we grow, the more restrained we become. Did we lose the way... Maybe. But with a little bit of effort, we can go back to 'You can be anything you want!'
    There is a quote in a book, 'The Alchemist' that I read many years ago that went like - "When you really want something, all of the universe conspires in helping you achieve it". At that time, I believed this meant that the universe works against you all the time... Recently I read it again and it hit me. The quote meant the exact opposite! Maybe things are meant to change. There will be hurdles. But I wanna hope there is a light at the end of every tunnel.
    You'll get there... Trust me!!!!

    1. huhu...Thank you so much for the 'use of language' comment..loved it..And about 'The Alchemist!!'An archetypal pattern of dream being explained.The so called writer Paulo Coelho is one among my favourite authors..

      Liked 'There is a light at the end of every tunnel'...Keep supporting dude.

  2. Most people go through this situation and get annoyed with it, especially after teenage....You explained this in the best wayπŸ‘πŸ‘
    Keep them coming...
    Friend of Govardhan

    1. Yeah..As u told, many go through such situations and,that made me think about the same..Liked it that u encouraged such writing in the best way..Thank you so much dude..keep supporting..:)

  3. Most of us were, or more precisely are in that state of confusion 😌. I believe that's when you break out of your comfortable shell. People's preaching, it's their result of experimenting with life. Depends on us as to how we wanna see ourselves; a photocopy striving to reach a benchmark or setting a benchmark πŸ˜„..loved the ending with a positive outlook towards life...✌🏻️
    Commendable use of language...seriously πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

    1. Yeah...Confusion sucksss....And breaking out of the comfortable shell is an essential part to begin...I think setting a benchmark cannot create wonders..Thank u so much dude..Each comment is worth thinking..Keep supporting

  4. Really nice. A good explanation of what all us go through these days....

    1. Yeah....People go through this these days..Thank you so much....Keep supporting dude..

    2. Yeah...Everyone goes through this, these days..Thank you so much..Keep supporting..:)

  5. Really nice. A good explanation of what all us go through these days....

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you so much...Keep supporting..:)

  7. She was a confused mixture of lessons learned...Well said..It happens for almost everyone at one point or the other..Good work again:)

    1. Yeah...I liked the 'Well said ' part..And I am writing this considering my friends' experiences as well..Feel happy that there is this 'again' remark..Thank you so much..keep supporting..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great work...
    Some kind of situation we all faced somewhere in our life
    Nice usage of words

    One last look at it and there laid her mobile with sim card removed..She was on a race of her own.-------- that's cool ending

    SHE WAS ON A RACE OF HER OWN loved this line

    Keep up the good work

    1. U are right about that...About the kinds of situation we are forced to face..Thank you for 'Nice usage of words'..And the ending..yeah..It does happen , atleast for me, at times...haha..Thank you so much

  10. Good seems you have a haunted feel to achieve the goals.. Keep on going man...all faces this situation in life...njoy ending, even though its a beginning...

  11. Thank you so much dude...More in store..Took a break for some days...But will restart the blog soon...keep suppoerting..
