On my way back from college, I took up a small task.The task of delectation.When you travel ,you have a million wonders around.And if you can see at least a 100, you're a genius.This may sound as if I am thriving on geniuses.But you got it wrong there!What I yearn, is to see it,embellish it,to again see it...And this must go with amazing rapidity!!There I was,riding all alone in the middle of the day,with the Sun burning my head out,and more importantly,the same direction I have been following for the past 4 years.And guess what I got!!Stories...Endless stories from each thing I saw.And I was startled to hear these stories..Those that were never listened to..
The crack on the road cautioned me of its age,the flag of a political group recounted an endless saga,the electric post on the roadside declared itself dangerous,dried up trees displayed old age,tender plants spoke of love.Even the Sun burning my head showed signs of damage.I rejoiced at the way my mind worked.All of a sudden, everything got life.The streets were counting on me.Even after 20 long years, they have never given up on me.
At my home, I opened the book. The book that laid blank for many years.That was when my pen joined me.And there started our journey together.Now my heart warms at the prospect of having impressive convos....Because streets always have something in store....!!!