Wednesday 8 March 2017


        a story......                                        

                                                        And then he began his story .."Once upon a time, 5 pens decided to find their destinations. They went to the market desiring for a better future. In a small, dimly lit shop, they sat dreaming for a miracle. In less than 2 days, 2 of them were taken to the King's palace , where they were greeted by wealth and prosperity. In a week, the 3rd one was admitted to a court where it was assigned to set rules and regulations. Unlike the other 2, it had a duty and this made it proud. A couple of weeks passed by. One among the last 2 was bought by an accountant who handled business. It rejoiced since it was meant to manage 'money'- The most powerful element on earth. The last one waited patiently for its turn. Hours, days and weeks passed by. The owner of the shop tried his level best to sell it. But none of his tries borne fruit. Months later, when he was sure that no one would turn up for this pen, he handed it over to a poor man who had no house or job. The pen cried lamenting its fate.  But the man, who had no pen till date, started writing stories. And this pen lived a life when other pens just survived...The end" - The writer smiled and told the interviewer, "This is my story".

"But sir"- The interviewer interrupted, " What shall I make out of this?"

The writer frowned, but immediately dangled his eyebrows up and down. With an exhale,he remarked, "What you wish to perceive!"

With this he bid farewell.
As always, words remained secret doorways and he held all the keys.
The interviewer smiled ...That's the thing about people who kept moving, packing and leaving, and always remaining a mystery. You feel phony around them..


  1. woaaaaaaaaa...
    awwsmmmm one

    you are going superbly with your imaginations and their representations..

    loved the 5 PEN STORY
    yes as a pen it is proud to be in the hands of a writer.. since it's contributions are immortal :)
    once my best friend told me
    if you want to be immortal
    it is better to disturb a poet or writer. :D :p

    great work

    waiting for more from your pen.........

    1. Yup.....its contributions are immortal..And it ought to be in the hands of a writer...Thank you so much for the comment..more in store....Wait and see,,,keep supporting dude

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much chai....keep supporting dear!!!:)

  3. That was a brilliant way to emphasise on living our life rather than surviving the way, does the part saying 'people who keep moving, packing and leaving' in any way refer to those who don't fuss on how others judge and just enjoy their lives🤔

    1. yes indeed..Thats exactly wat is being put in those few words..Hope u had a great read!!Thank you so much..keep supporting dude!!!Expecting your comments in d upcoming posts as well!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wonderful job again! It's fascinating how you come up with these stories.
    Why where two pens taken to the King's place? (Write more😉)
    The part where the writer just says 'What you perceive' - Masterpiece of a comeback.
    Keep coming up with more stories!

    1. The pens were taken to the King's palace because they had a great future written...implying the fortune they had..And it's always in the way you perceive things, rgt??Well..That was really cool...thank you so much..keep supporting!!!
